Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh What a Nite!

I came out of the shower and was drying myself and getting dressed into my best clothes.
When I was done and ready to go, a friend of my brothers called Sia was sitting outside my house, waiting for me to step foot on the concrete. She started putting eye liner on my face because we were heading to the school Disco. “Done!” she said, so I ran to the top of the school driveway and saw a lot of vehicles coming up the drive way.

“Hi Ofa” Agnes yelled at the top of her voice, while I was walking calmly to the office.
As Catherine and I raced to the hall, we payed Miss G 2 dollars, which was the admission fee to get into the Disco. Everyone had been sitting down for 2 to 3 minutes because they were nervous.

Latai then stood up and started moving to the beat of the music.
Within seconds, everybody stood up from their seats and began dancing like psychos.
In the hall the lights were not bright anymore. Just about 7:00pm I saw Anita with her little sister sitting there like 2 people couldn’t find their way home. I asked Anita “What’s the matter?” she answered “I want to take my little sister home but I can’t, because it’s way to dark,” my heart was filled with pity so I let Anita have fun and I stayed behind looking after her little sister.
There I sat, waiting and watching, people dancing and eating.
Later on I saw Anita’s Mum wondering around trying to find her little baby daughter, so I sent Anita’s little sister to her Mum.

Now the Disco was almost finished. I had to do something, so I got up and started dancing for the last 30 minutes.
Finally the the disco was finished, everybody was sweaty and tired, so they all headed off home.

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